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Mid-Mitten Weather View

Student Led Forecasting!

Degreed Meteorologists & Student Weather Forecasters at Central Michigan University. Our Weekly Meetings take place at 8PM on Wednesday's in Brooks Hall 305. Serving you daily with the best weather information available all year long!


Mid-Mitten Weather View’s Mission is to serve people by providing timely information to help keep them safe and make decisions based on the weather. We are a combined group of degreed meteorologists who have graduated from CMU and current student forecasters from the University.

“To serve people by providing timely information to help keep them safe and make decisions based on the weather. In addition to provide an opportunity for degreed meteorologists affiliated with CMU and student forecasters interested in building and/or improving their forecasting skills”​

-Mid Mitten Wx View Constitution​


Forecast Coverage Area across Central and Southern Lower MI:

Forecast area includes Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, Clare, Kalamazoo, and Ann Arbor,
About: About
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